The Journey to the Cross - Week 5
This week we continue our journey aboard the Easter Express through the gospel of Mark. Are you ready to dive back into the Bible with us? Don’t forget there are also tasks and craft ideas to complete in your activity book on the theme of this week as well as the devotionals Mon - Fri. If you haven’t got hard copies of these, you can download them here.
The Transfiguration
If you’ve been following our Lent journey over the last few weeks, you’ll have noticed that Jesus is doing some pretty amazing things. He’s healing people from all kinds of illnesses and is causing quite a stir all around Jerusalem. As we heard last week, people are starting to ask questions about who he might be… perhaps, he is even the long awaited Messiah?
This week we’re continuing on from thinking about Jesus being the Messiah, to look at an event called the Transfiguration. Transfiguration is a pretty big word – it’s not one we use in our everyday lives. It’s not quite the same as something being transformed, where it totally changes what it is, but a helpful way of thinking about it is to think about a change in how we see something. Jesus is transfigured before the eyes of his closest disciples, as who he is is revealed to them in an amazing way.
As Jesus is transfigured, his clothes change colour into the brightest white possible, and a voice from heaven says:
‘This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him.’ Mark 9.7.
We’re going to be thinking about what it means for Jesus to be who he really says he is, and the question for us is really simple… will we listen to him?
Let’s read the bible…
Here’s the bible passage from the book of Mark that features Jesus’ transfiguration.
I wonder if you can find it in your own bibles? Mark 9:2-9 (ICB)
Six days later Jesus took Peter, James, and John and went up on a high mountain. They were all alone there. While these followers watched, Jesus was changed. His clothes became shining white, whiter than any person could make them. Then two men appeared, talking with Jesus. The men were Moses and Elijah.
Peter said to Jesus, “Teacher, it is good that we are here. We will put three tents here—one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” Peter did not know what to say, because he and the others were so frightened.
Then a cloud came and covered them. A voice came from the cloud. The voice said, “This is my Son, and I love him. Obey him!”
Then Peter, James, and John looked around, but they saw only Jesus there alone with them.
As Jesus and his followers were walking back down the mountain, he commanded them, “Don’t tell anyone about the things you saw on the mountain. Wait till the Son of Man rises from death. Then you may tell.”
Footnote: Moses and Elijah were two of the most important Jewish leaders from the past.
Let’s worship
God is good. It’s an unchanging part of who He is, He’s good all the time. Not because He has to be, or even because He chooses, to be, but that’s simply who He is. Because He’s good, He bears with us and loves us when we get things wrong, and He takes great joy in the moments of our lives when we listen to him and follow him. Let’s take a bit of time to celebrate God’s goodness to us as we worship Him.
Let’s open up
Take a look at these optical illusions… how many legs can you see on this elephant? What about the next picture, how many different animals can you see? Finally, if you’re up for a really tricky challenge, why not count how many black dots you can see on the final image?
Sometimes with these kinds of things, the longer you look, the more you can see. The same is often true when we’re thinking about following Jesus. The more we look for him at work in our lives, the more we notice him doing. The more that we take time to pray, not only do we find that we want to spend more time praying, but quite often we notice the small signs of God answering prayers… you might like to keep a little list of some of the things that you’re praying for at the moment.
Today, we’re thinking about the transfiguration. It’s a moment where suddenly the disciples start to see Jesus differently as he changes before their very eyes. It’s a case of the longer they look, the more they see! Jesus doesn’t totally change his shape or stop being a human, but he does look different – his clothes change and there’s a loud booming voice. Watch this video message from Tom to find out exactly what happens…
Let’s get crafty - making shelters
There are multiple ways you can make a shelter like Peter wanted to do for Elijah, Moses and Jesus up on the mountain. You could make a simple den in your garden using sticks and a dust sheet/tarpaulin. Alternatively you could make little paper umbrellas as shelters for any toy figures you may have at home. We would LOVE to see you in your dens or some pictures of your little toys under their umbrellas…
Why not tag us in your pics on social media @lovechurchkids or email your photos to
People aren’t the only ones who need shelter sometimes. Why not try creating a bug hotel in your garden for any mini beasts to take shelter in, so that they are safe and sound away from larger predators.
Let’s watch even more
Here is some more brilliant video content that brings to life this part of Mark’s gospel and what the transfiguration actually looked like. The Lumo content is for older children and the cartoon and Lego films are for younger children.
Let’s pray
Part of prayer is talking, but as we’ve thought about today, it’s important for us to listen to God as well. Let’s take some time now to be still with God before we pray. I find it helps if I bow my head and close my eyes so I don’t get distracted.
Dear God,
Thank you that you love me always and that there is nothing which can change that.
Help me to discover who you truly are as I do my best to follow your son Jesus.
Help me to listen to you each and every day, because I know you are with me.