The Journey to the Cross - Week 3

This week we continue our journey aboard the Easter Express through the gospel of Mark. Are you ready to dive back into the Bible with us? Don’t forget there are also tasks and craft ideas to complete in your activity book on the theme of this week as well as the devotionals Mon - Fri. If you haven’t got hard copies of these, you can download them here.

Jesus: “Who Do You Say I Am?


Jesus has already accomplished so many wonderful things in His short time on earth. Last week we learned about the incredible miracle of Jesus healing the paralysed man.

Soon after this miracle Jesus heals another man of his blindness. Jesus was causing quite a stir around Him with all these miracles He was performing. He poses this question to His disciples, 

“Who do they say that I am?”

To which they replied,

“John the Baptist; others, Elijah; still others, one of the prophets.”

Then Jesus asked them again,

“But you, who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Messiah.” (Mark 8:22-30)

The word “Messiah” comes from the Hebrew word meaning “anointed” or “the anointed one”. Jesus is the ultimate “anointed One.” He is the King of kings. He is also the great High Priest. He is the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies that God would send someone to rescue His people.

Let’s Worship

Jesus is the Messiah, and worthy to be praised! He came to save us from our sin and give us new life. Now, that is something to be celebrated! Here are some worship songs you can use to praise Jesus! So stand up, dance and sing at the tops of your voices. You are followers of Jesus… children of God!!

The Cost of Following Jesus

What do you think it meant for Jesus to be the Messiah? What would His life look like? Jesus knew of course and he took the time to explain it to His followers.

As the Messiah, Jesus was to suffer many things. The elders would reject Him, as would the chief priests and scribes. People would hate Him so much that eventually He would be sentenced to death on a cross - the most painful way to die imaginable. The Disciples were horrified at the thought of Jesus being despised and hurt in such a way. But Jesus went on to explain that it was essential if God’s plan was to be completed.

Jesus used this opportunity to explain that a life serving and following Him would not always be easy, and that it would cost people (including His disciples) something to follow Him. He said, “If anyone wants to follow me, he must say ‘no’ to the things he wants. He must be willing to die on a cross, and he must follow me. Whoever wants to save his life will give up true life. But whoever gives up his life for me and for the Good News will have true life forever.” (Mark 8:34-35 ICB)

Being a follower of Jesus is a wonderful gift given to us. But sometimes it can be hard. In this video below Annabelle talks a little more about what it really means to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. She also leads us in a fun worship song, and much more. 

I don’t know about you, but we are so grateful that Jesus came to earth as the Messiah and while we know it's not always easy following Him, it is well worth it. When Jesus comes into our heart and shines through us, we inspire everyone around us. We reflect Jesus’ love and light and get to be loved by God and be a part of His amazing family. 

Craft - Carry Crosses

Dani makes three different kinds of carry crosses with her trusty helper! Carry Crosses are a way of carrying God’s love with you and a reminder that he died on the cross for us, so that we can be forgiven of our sins (all the mistakes and stuff we do wrong). I put mine in my pocket and every time I put my hand in my pocket I remember to say a quick prayer of thanks to Jesus for all He’s done for us. Which one will you make?

Please share pictures of any you create with us by emailing or tagging us on social media @lovechurchkids


More to Watch

Here is some more brilliant video content that brings to life this part of Mark’s gospel and also explains what it means to follow Jesus.

Let’s Pray

When we believe and trust in Jesus, we have faith in Him. Jesus loves you. He wants to know you, and He wants you to know Him. Every time you learn something new about Jesus, you are coming to know Him more and growing in your faith.

Dear God,

Thank you for sending you son Jesus to this earth to die on the cross for my sins.

Thank you for being near to me always.

I pray that as I follow you that you would strengthen my faith.

Help me to remember that when things get hard to call on you for help.

I love you so much.

In your name I pray, 


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The Journey to the Cross - Week 5


The Journey to the Cross - Week 2