S P I R I T U A L G R O W T H .
The Bible is amazing. The inspired, living word of God right there in our hands!
Throughout the programme, we want to help you discover a love of scripture, while also providing something credible.
By the end of the year, we want you to be able to say that you have read the Bible cover to cover, even if for the first time. We look to achieve this in two ways:

T H E B I B L E C O U R S E .
The course will increase your confidence, equip you to read the Bible better and help you to see its relevance to daily life. The course provides a birds-eye view of the world’s bestselling book.

B I B L E R E A D I N G P L A N .
Compiled according to latest historical research and taking into account the chronological order events likely happened, this plan provides helpful historical context to your Bible reading.