The Journey to the Cross - Week 1
This week we start our journey aboard the Easter Express in the heart of the desert. Are you ready to dive into the book of Mark with us? Don’t forget there are also tasks and craft ideas to complete in your activity book on the theme of this week as well as the daily devotionals. If you haven’t got hard copies of these, you can download them by revisiting last week’s blog entry here.
Who prepared the way?
At the beginning of the book of Mark, we learn that long ago, God promised His people a Messiah (a rescuing King) but that a messenger would come before him to prepare the way and announce his arrival:
The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God as it is written in Isaiah the prophet:
“I will send my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way”—
“a voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him.’”
And so John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
Mark 1:1-4 NIV
So John the Baptist prepares the way for the Messiah.
Let’s find out more about this man in the wilderness.
Let’s worship
Before we find out more about John the Baptist, as we are in the first week of Lent - it is right that we stop to praise our Lord Jesus with all our heart and celebrate all He did for us by coming to Earth, dying on the cross and rising again. He is our Messiah - our rescuing King. So stand up, dance around and sing at the top of your lungs!
Who was John the Baptist?
Here’s Dani to explain all.
Craft - John the Baptist’s Megaphone
“One who is more powerful than I am, is coming after me.”
Before Jesus had even arrived in the wilderness, John the Baptist announced a Messiah was coming to all the people of Jerusalem who would listen.
Let’s make a megaphone so we can announce that Jesus is coming to everyone! In this video, Katy shows you how using the kit in our activity pack.
Crunchy Critter Challenge
Locusts are insects similar to grasshoppers. One locust can eat its weight in plants every day. Locusts can travel long distances. They’ve been known to fly from Africa to England!
Locusts can form enormous groups called swarms. People have feared locust swarms for thousands of years. An approaching swarm looks like a big black cloud. As the swarm descends, the insects eat everything in sight – garden crops, flowers, grass and even clothes hanging on a washing line!
John the Baptist is said to have lived off locusts and wild honey whilst in the desert.
We sent out some edible crunchy critters with our activity packs.
Who will be as brave as Tim and film themselves eating one of our crunchy critters?
High in protein, low in flavour!
Send in your videos to or tag us on social media @lovechurchkids.
Saying Sorry to God
Annabelle talks about ways in which we can repent and turn away from the things that lead us way from God. She suggests some creative ways to say sorry to God for the times when you might not have thought, said or done something pleasing to Him. Don’t worry though - we’ve all done it. It’s just human nature. God is so gracious and faithful that as long as we repent, He will forgive us.
More to watch
Here is some more video content that brings this very first part of Mark’s gospel to life and introduces John the Baptist.
Let’s pray
As John the Baptist encouraged God’s people long ago to repent of their sins (which means saying sorry to God for the stuff they’ve done wrong), let us now do the same.
Father God of all mercy,
You love all that you have made.
You forgive the wrongs of all who are truly sorry.
Please create and make in us clean hearts.
Help us to be honest and tell you the things we’ve messed up along the way.
Please Lord bless us with your forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives with you in heaven.