"The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."
Romans 8:19-21

A call to action
The call to care for God’s earth in the last few years has become increasingly urgent and as we witness global economic issues, climate change and reports of significant environmental losses, the role of stewarding God’s creation into freedom lies right at the heart of our discipleship. We are called to seek justice and this matter involves us all. The call is not on one individual to find solutions but a call for us to work together as the body of Christ.
At LOVECHURCH we are encouraged by the Church of England and the decision to ask all churches to reduce their impact to net zero by 2030, which is 20 years ahead of the global edict.
We have recently gained an EcoChurch Silver award by ‘A Rocha’ and are now looking forward to growing a dedicated, enthusiastic and inspired Eco team to help us achieve Gold status.
Stay tuned to find out more about our initiatives; alternatively, get involved as an eco-team member.
As we continue our Eco Church journey, we must continually consider the Church of England Environment Programme and Net Zero Churches here.
Find out more about our Silver status.
Get Involved

“To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.”
As a church, our role is to be the earth's stewards and protect its resources; through Scripture, we feel the call to action now.
The term “creation care” is not just about caring for the planet. Scientific evidence shows that poor management of earth’s resources impacts people globally. This is because climate change is a “threat multiplier.” The issues related to climate change (refugees, sustainability, disease, hunger, conflict, species extinction etc) are exponentially increasing, and we look to make sure we do not abuse or neglect the responsibility God has placed in our Spirit, hearts, and hands.
So how do we do that? The answer lies in our understanding of creation care and how it is part of every Christian’s discipleship. God gave us the privilege and responsibility of looking after the earth He created; this calls us to consider our lifestyle choices and how we can use them to advocate for the most vulnerable.
When acting to benefit the planet, we put our beliefs into action by loving others more than ourselves, which is how God calls us to love.

“To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind, and to pursue peace and reconciliation.”
Our understanding of ‘creation care’ theology shapes the Kingdom of God.
As Christians, we can create a ripple effect throughout society by setting an example. This calls us to become vessels of environmental justice and help stop the impact on the most vulnerable. Everything we read in Scripture explains that our journey into God’s New Kingdom is through caring for all of God’s creation, and this will challenge us to make changes to our lifestyle and choices.
As Christians, we are called to champion of hope and change culture for the better.
“God sends forth the Spirit to create and to renew the face of the earth”
Psalm 104:30